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  • 所属栏目:企管MBA
  • 资料大小:171 KB
  • 下载次数:1000
  • 资料类型:企业管理 - 企管MBA
  • 更新时间:09-17
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2011年MBAIntroductoryTrainingTheArtofConsulting 简介:
2011年MBAIntroductoryTrainingTheArtofConsulting由http://www.weixiu6.com整理发布,类别:企管MBA, 本站还有更多关于企业MBA管理资料,EMBA资料,mba案例,MBA管理方面的资料。
f the typical project to each tableIn your table groups, review the responsibilities associated with your assigned phaseDiscuss the things that you believe will make a consultant effective during this specific phaseRecord your ideas as “Effectiveness Tips”Identify one person from your group to report during the debrief