

日期:12-27| 味学网| http://www.weixiu6.com |双语阅读 |人气:329

古文英译:苛政猛于虎由http://www.weixiu6.com整理发布,类别:双语阅读, 本站还有更多关于双语阅读大全,英语学习方法方面的资料。


A woman was crying disconsolately at a tomb when Confucius once passed by Taishan Mountains.

Confucius was surprised so he ascended the front wood of the carriage to listen to the woman and sent ZiLu, who is one of his student to ask the woman :"We heard you crying so sadly as if you sufferedgreat pains. Could you tell us why?" The woman replied :"It is as what you said. Originally my husband's dad died from tigers, afterwards my husband died from them and now my son again died from them."

Hearing this Confucius asked with peradventure :"Then why don't your family leave here?" The woman answered helplessly :"There is no tyranny here." Confucius moaned and said to ZiLu:"You guy remember it that harsh government is ferociouser than tigers!"
