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新高一Unit 14 Festival教案-教学教案

日期:12-27| 味学网| http://www.weixiu6.com |高一英语教案 |人气:811

新高一Unit 14 Festival教案-教学教案由http://www.weixiu6.com整理发布,类别:高一英语教案, 本站还有更多关于英语教案模板大全,人教版高一英语教案方面的资料。

Unit 14 Festival

Lesson 1

Warming up listening and speaking

Step1 Lead – in

Talk about the Spring Festival with students

Step2 Warming up

 Part 1 and 2

Step3 Listening

First, talk about the pictures about three festivals. Then look at the exercises and listen to the tape. Listen for three times.

Step4 Speaking

From listening, we have learned a lot about foreign festivals. Now let’s talk about some other holidays. You can work in groups of four, and you can use the useful expressions on Page 10.

Step4 Homework

    Write a passage “How I spent the Spring Festival”.

Lesson 2



We have learned something about some foreign festivals.

Today we are going to read about another festivals ----Kwanzaa.


Read the passage fast to find the main idea of it , which is the main idea of the passage ?(c)

A How Karenga created Kwanzaa.

B What are the seven principle of Kwanzaa.

C Why Karenga created Kwanzaa.

D How Karenga got the idea of creating Kwanzaa.

Step3.True or False

Exx on Page 11

Step4.careful ---reading

Read the passage carefully to finish the following exercise .

1.     Which of the following is not true according to the test?

A Kwanzaa is a young holiday .

B The word Kwanzaa means first fruit in Swahili.

C Dr Karenga created Kwanzaa to celebrate American culture and history .

Dkwanzaa is based on old African festivals .

2.     The celibration of Kwanzaa lasts _______(A)

A 7days B 5days C 6days D11days

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