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Lesson 33-教案

日期:03-08| 味学网| http://www.weixiu6.com |初一英语教案 |人气:935

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Lesson 33

  Teaching Objectives:

  Go on learning the simple past tense and enable Ss to remember the past form of regular and some irregular verbs.

  Talk something about robots.

  Properties: Tape recorder, multi-media computer

  Language Focus: go on a trip robot start doing finish doing

  Teaching Procedures:

  I. Revision

  1. Suppose a student were the businessman in Lesson32, say something about himself.

  2. Dictate the words in Unit 8.

  II. Leading - in

  1. In the nowadays world, science and technology are developing faster and faster.

  Can you say some latest and most sophisticated technology?

  Have you ever imagined that one day a memory robot can be taken with you and do many things for you? What can they do?

  2. (With the help of multi-media) show some pictures of robots if possible.

  III. Presentation

  1. Today, we’ll meet Mr. Mott, his wife Susan and his memory robot. You’ll see what the memory robot can do for Mr. Mott.

  2. Describe picture in the book.

  3. Describe the robot.

  4. What can a robot do and what do you want a robot to do for you?

  IV. Reading

  1. Listen and repeat the two dialogues in the book.

  2. Ask the Ss the question: “what can the memory robot do for Mr. Mott?”

  3. Ask the Ss to give the past form of the verbs in the dialogue.

  (1) do (2)pack (3)get (4)go (5)buy (6)read (7)come (8) start ( 9 ) finish (10) teach

  Keys: (1) did (2)packed (3)got (4)went (5)bought (6)read (7) came (8)started (9)finished (10)taught

  4. Go over the language points

  go on a trip: Mr. Mott will go to a trip tomorrow.


  start/finish doing

  eg. Most Beijing students start learning English at the age of 10.

  Jack started doing his homework at 5:00 and finished doing it at 6:00.

  Have you finished writing your novel?

  5. Listen and read after the tape.

  V. Practice

  1. Group work: ask the Ss to work in groups of three. Mr. Mott, Susan and the robot and act out the first dialogue

  2. Pair work: ask the Ss to work in pairs. Mr. Mott and the robot act out the second dialogue, add something to continue the dialogue.

  VI. Exercise in class


  Mr. Mott is very busy. He often has a lot to do, but his memory is poor. He always cant remember many things. The memory robot really helps him a lot.

  Last week, Mr. Mott went to Beijing on business. He asked his robot for help. The robot remembered all the things he did, when he got up, what he did before and after breakfast, whether he packed his things and so on.

  Mr. Mott thanks his memory robot a lot.

  VII. Homework

  1. Wb

  2. Writing: A Robot Designed By Me

  Write a short article about the robot you design. It’s appearance. What can it do. Why is it useful and anything you like.

You can draw a robot for your teacher.

VIII. The design of the blackboard

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