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小学英语作文700字:在操场上(On the Playground)

日期:11-26| 味学网| http://www.weixiu6.com |英语作文 |人气:950

小学英语作文700字:在操场上(On the Playground)由http://www.weixiu6.com整理发布,类别:英语作文, 本站还有更多关于小学英语作文,英语作文范文,高考英语作文,高一英语作文,英语作文题目方面的资料。

在操场上(on the playground)

class is over. most of the students go to the playground to take part in all kinds of sports.

look! there are many students playing basketball. one is jumping up and casting the ball into the net. in the distance therere some girls doing rope skipping. how swift their actions are! theyre like sparrows. not far away from them. a few boys are playing ping-pong. what an interesting school life!

they know clearly that having a strong and healthy body is very important both to their study and their future success.





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