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Unit 21 She taught herself

日期:12-27| 味学网| http://www.weixiu6.com |初二英语教案 |人气:869

Unit 21 She taught herself由http://www.weixiu6.com整理发布,类别:初二英语教案, 本站还有更多关于英语教案模板大全,初二英语上册教案方面的资料。

1.将下列用and 或but 连接.

  A.I am poor. I am very happy.

  B. I like English. I am good at it.

  C. My father told Mary this story. Mary became interested in it

  D. He fell off the wall. He didn’t break his arms.


  A.I can swim, and I am good at it.

  B.I wanted to have

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