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The missing necklace Lesson 65-教学教案

日期:12-27| 味学网| http://www.weixiu6.com |初一英语教案 |人气:954

The missing necklace Lesson 65-教学教案由http://www.weixiu6.com整理发布,类别:初一英语教案, 本站还有更多关于英语教案模板大全,初一英语上册教案方面的资料。

Lesson 65

Teaching Aims


四会 L65 necklace, steal, hands up, shoot

L66 detective, inspector, thief, notice, robber

L67 come down

L68 escape, conversation, robbery, description

二会 L68 victim


Which necklace?

The one that cost a thousand dollars.

Which animal?

The one who looks like…

Which man?

The man (who) I saw had black hair…

He had hair that was quite short



运用所学语言,围绕侦破案件这一话题,完成教科书及练习册中所规定得听,说,读,写任务;阅读故事“Who stole the necklace?”确切理解,并完成有关课文内容的练习,学会运用有关“侦破案件”话题的英文表达。

Teaching procedures

1. Lead-in

T: Here is a bag. I found it lying on the road on my way to school. Whose is the missing bag? Was it lost or robbed?

2. Presentation

T: Helen got a necklace from her husband as her birthday present. But it was missing. What happened?

3. Read and act

(1) Listen to the tape

Question: How much was the necklace?

(2) Read after the tape and do Ex 1 in wb Lesson 65 in pairs

(3) Practise reading in pairs.

(4) Act out the dialogue in pairs

4. Read and practise

(1) Read through the dialogue

(2) Practise similar dialogue in pairs

5. Practice

Do Ex 2 and 3 in wb Lesson 65

6. Consolidation

Put the following into English

1. 他偷了我的项链。








7. Conclusion

Communicative function. 交际功能


--Which man?

--The man who is smoking.

--The one that looks like a dog.

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